Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The way the universe works ...

Chill out, Thyda. Chill. Out.

I have an uncanny ability to make not so stressful situations stressful. I can't really understand it myself so this is not something I can easily explain.

Move across country - check. Learn the streets of San Diego and become an official resident - check. Land a job - check. Move to LA for the job - not quite there yet.

I've been going at a 100 miles per hour since I've landed in Cali - can't seem to just relax and always on edge.

I'm a trained Change Agent and yet I am having the hardest time accepting and adapting to change. Go figure.

Why can't things just be easy? I find myself saying that a lot these days but I don't seem to realize that many things HAVE fallen into place and I've accomplished most of what I set out to do here in the last couple of weeks. Why am I such a crazy, controlling, perfectionist?

Truthfully, I can't sit still and it's tough trying to shut my mind off. Most people would enjoy the time off but me, I simply can't. I'm a planner, a doer, it's just how I function. I must be part of something, contribute to a larger cause and yes all of that will come but not quick enough. I need things to just happen, like finding the most perfect little place in LA.

This past weekend Chris and I went apartment hunting. Exciting, yes? No. It was the most grueling and exhausting experience ever! I've never rented before. After college I got on board with a fortune 50 company and immediately became a home owner. House hunting is somewhat different from apartment hunting, oh and the hunt being in LA didn't help much either.

Poor Chris, he had to put up with a very stressful me. When I'm stressed I get so completely frustrated and frazzled that any sudden movement or words will trigger a tude - not a good look. When I'm at this state just stay clear and let it pass.

The rental market in LA is huge. It's saturated with people from all over moving in and out that units go so quickly. Literally, you blink and it's taken. So even though the sign outside says Now Leasing call this # doesn't mean they have any units left. That is IF they answer the darn call!


Location, location, location. The better the location, the higher the rent.

After awhile you start to get over the sticker shock. Even some of the run down apartments are asking for $1200 + a month for a 1 bed 1 bath unit. Um. Yea. Crazy. Pat said it best "You're not in Mooresville anymore, Thyda!" No kidding. Well played on the Wizard of Oz comparison - very fitting ;)

Great things came out of the hunt this weekend so it wasn't all stressful. I have a better understanding of where we'd like to live, what suits us and what doesn't. We drove around many different neighborhoods, did some research and talked to a few people... so all in all, it was a good trip. Yes, part of me was hoping to fall in love with a place, it happens to be move-in ready and I would sign papers this weekend; going back to San Diego knowing I've locked in on an apartment. I'm just crazy like that because when I want something to happen, I typically want it to happen now. Naturally. So it didn't happen that way and I'm okay with that.

I'm thankful that I've come this far and truly believe that things will continue to fall into place. It just has to. I believe the more steps you take the more the universe will conspire to assist you.

So on that note I'll leave you with the crazy things we see on the road. This is terrible but Chris and I like to play a little game called "Black, Mexican or Asian". Can you guess? ;)

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